
Melanie Pensak



Dec 10 2023


7:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Cost in $US


AITW: Sunday Evening Sit

Join Melanie and Awake in the Wild friends on Zoom on Sunday evenings (Aug. 27, Oct. 22, Dec. 10) @ 4:30 PM PST / 7:30 PM EST for a 45-minute nature-oriented session that includes a short talk and guided meditation. Sessions include a short 10 – 15 minute talk on a theme and a 30-minute guided meditation. Tune in from any peaceful environment with an internet connection, ideally immersed in nature or at the very least with a view of the outdoors. All are welcome!

Join here

AITW honors the Buddhist principle of dana, or mutual generosity. The teachers generously offer their teachings to the community. In a mutual invitation to practice generosity, the community is invited to give dana to support the teachers. Community generosity helps to spread the goodness of this practice to others, and you are encouraged to contribute at a level that reflects the value that the sit brings to your own life.