
Melanie Pensak


Jul 27 2024


1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

Cost in $US


Sangha Live: Chronic Illness and/or Disability Affinity Group

What’s an Affinity Group?
An affinity group is organized to strengthen community and equity by providing a dedicated container for practice that allows the distinct experience of members to be held in the support of a caring community.

*We warmly welcome anyone experiencing chronic illness or disability to join this monthly time of practice.*

Our next scheduled 30 -45 minute session will be on the last Saturday of the month  @ 10 AM PT, 1 PM ET, 6 PM BST, 7 PM CEST.

*** Please note a new format for the affinity group moving forward in 2024 ***
There will be an invitation for folks to check in around the monthly dharma theme, a 15-20- minute period of silent or guided practice and then an optional 15 minute sharing period, where participants are welcome to share their reflections around living with chronic illness and disability through the lens of the dharma with a partner.  You’re invited to attend no matter how you are feeling with no expectation to stay or share beyond your capacity and comfort level.

Melanie Pensak will be teaching and holding the space. Melanie is a certified mindfulness teacher and also recovering from illness, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome).

These sessions will now be offered on a dana basis, and you will be invited to offer a donation in return if you are able, and if you feel supported by the teaching and container.

Meeting ID: 826 9194 3629
Passcode: 178252

This session will not be recorded.

If you have any questions about this event, please email us at